Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
With a nontraditional instruction (NTI) day, school buildings are closed but students participate in learning at home so it counts as a school day and does not need to be made up or added to the calendar.
Each student has a packet in their backpack that contains work they can complete independently. The packet contains the core subjects: math, reading/writing, science, and social studies. There are also special area activities to complete. The pages to be completed correspond to what NTI day it is (for example: NTI Day 1).
If you need support with work on the NTI day, you can join a zoom session from 8:30-10:30. The link was sent out from the classroom teacher. You can email your student's teacher if you need support.
For technical assistance, please call the FCPS Help Desk hotline: (859) 422-5555.